改名「微軟行動」 NOKIA手機進入倒數計時

微軟於 2013/9/3 宣布以 72 億美元現金買下 NOKIA 手機部門及其相關專利組合。WMPoweruser 引用 NOKIAPoweruser 報導,微軟對供應商發出信件,透露在 2014 年 4 月完成收購程序後,會將 NOKIA 行動部門改名為 Microsoft Mobile Oy(微軟行動有限公司),成為主導微軟行動裝置的全資子公司。除了變更命名,新公司也將從芬蘭的 Keilalahdentie 搬遷至 Keilaranta,負責的產品除了現有的 NOKIA 手機業務,也包括微軟 Surface 平板電腦等,並會針對目前與 NOKIA 簽約的供應商重新進行談判。Microsoft Mobile Oy 的主管將會是前 NOKIA 執行長 Stephen Elop。另外,由於此交易的標的物並不包含「NOKIA」商標,因此未來 Microsoft Mobile Oy 所推出的產品將不會出現 NOKIA 的 Logo,雙手緊握的開機畫面可能也會跟著消失。隨著交易完成與子公司的成立,曾經的全球行動通訊霸主與代名詞:諾基亞手機,將正式成為歷史名詞。

改名「微軟行動」 NOKIA手機進入倒數計時

▲未來 Microsoft Mobile Oy 所推出的產品將不會出現 NOKIA 的 Logo,雙手緊握的開機畫面可能也會跟著消失。隨著交易完成與子公司的成立,曾經的全球行動通訊霸主與代名詞:諾基亞手機,將正式成為歷史名詞。

20140422 Update:微軟於官方部落格發出聲明證實了以上的說法,並明確指出收購完成的日期為 2014/4/25。不過,雖然交易的項目並不包含 NOKIA 品牌與 NOKIA Logo 使用權,因此「理論上」Microsoft Mobile Oy 日後所推出的產品將不會出現 NOKIA 的 Logo,但由於諾基亞本身還保有網路通訊、Here 等相關事業,因此只要微軟與諾基亞進一步簽定授權,想要看到 NOKIA 手機其實也並非完全不可能,但這就要看微軟的想法如何了。畢竟以現階段的狀態來說,讓 Microsoft Mobile Oy 推出保有 NOKIA 品牌的智慧型手機 / 平板電腦,比較容易讓消費者買單。但若一味將銷售狀況寄託於 NOKIA 品牌榮光,而不去思考提升 Microsoft 在終端行動裝置的品牌價值,長期來看,對微軟來說或許並不是一件好事情。


Dear Supplier,

On September 3, 2013, Nokia Corporation announced its intention to sell substantially all of its Devices and Services Business to Microsoft Corporation. We anticipate the transaction to close during April 2014.

Under the terms of the sale, Microsoft will assume all rights, benefits and obligations of the Nokia Devices and Services business, including Nokia’s agreements with suppliers, customers and partners which pertain to the Devices and Services business. Therefore, the purpose of this letter is to update you that the current terms and conditions that you have with the Devices and Services business will not change.

Please note that upon the close of the transaction between Microsoft and Nokia, the name of Nokia Corporation/Nokia Oyj will change to Microsoft Mobile Oy. Microsoft Mobile Oy is the legal entity name that should be used for VAT IDs and for the issuance of invoices.


New name and registered address replacing Nokia Oyj/Nokia Corporation is:

Microsoft Mobile Oy

Keilaranta 7

02150 ESPOO



New Bank Accounts: Please note that Microsoft Mobile Oy is going to have new bank accounts, for further information please contact us via AP Portal: https://ap.nokia.com/APPortalExt/Login.aspx (registration required).

There is NO change in the invoice sending method, please continue to send the invoices via electronic channels as before.

For further information on changes (legal address/send to address) after the close of the transaction between Microsoft and the Nokia Devices and Services business, please check our Invoice Address Search tool (IAS): https://ap.nokia.com/APPortalExt/AddressSearch.aspx (No registration required), or contact us via AP Portal: https://ap.nokia.com/APPortalExt/Login.aspx (Registration required).

Please note that the only changes in the Purchase Order (PO) layout after the close of the transaction will be to remove the Nokia Logo and change the legal address, whereas the PO numbering format and sequence will not change.

Continuation of business with Nokia

In addition to becoming a supplier for Microsoft Mobile Oy, we appreciate that you might also remain a supplier to the continuing businesses of Nokia (i.e., NSN, HERE or Advanced Technologies) after the close of the transaction between Microsoft and Nokia Devices and Services. Nokia will communicate separately any changes in invoicing methods and addresses before the close of this transaction.

Best regards,

Nokia Devices and Services Financial Services Purchase to Pay Team

資料來源: WMPoweruser 

微軟宣布 54.4億歐元收購NOKIA行動部門與專利



  • Default sogi

    Inc. 4/22/2014 at 3:54 PM

    明明就是微軟毀了NOKIA=  =