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回覆: 10
Default sogi
發表時間:2006-07-08 05:35:00

在下於上個月中旬,向美國的通路商訂購了Nokia E60的手機。但是,由於在下不察,在手機經由香港,到了台灣海關之後,因為手機在台灣是屬於管制品,所以在台灣海關遭到扣留。在下委託報關行員將手機帶出海關之後,卻得知在下"自己購買"的手機,需要到台灣的電信局監理所辦理器材審驗!
由於在下沒有準備,所以在審驗的過程,屢屢遭到官員的再三詢問以及刁難!直至今天,在下終於讓他們點頭答應幫在下的Nokia E60手機送驗,還沒說一定會過關喔!他們說,我所準備的資料,有以下兩點的闕漏:
1.當時在下經由貿易代理商,得知此手機的"型號"是Nokia E60,可是在手機內殼所顯示的型號是Nokia E60-1,多了"-1"這樣官員們就認定這隻手機跟之前所呈報的E60是"不同"的型號手機!請 貴公司能夠替在下說明,這個手機的型號是Nokia E60-1,而這個"-1"指的是Nokia芬蘭原廠所出產的"第一批"手機的意思。當初在下所申請的型號為貿易商提供,並非在下故意亂申報的型號。
2.由於台灣境內對於手機的審查"異常"嚴格,需要在下交付GSM900,GSM1800,GSM1900等各個頻率之下,手機的發射功率(RF power)以及SAR數值。在下翻遍了Nokia歐洲網站,都找不到Nokia E60手機發射功率的數值,可否請 貴公司替在下,將Nokia E60的相關檢測報告跟測驗數值Email給在下,讓在下可以把資料補送給交通部監理站,可以讓心愛的手機免於被海關沒收的厄運。這隻手機,根據台灣電信法規定,如果屆滿三個月沒有申報,將會被視為走私的違法物品,如果不強制交給海關報出口,或是交給電信警察銷毀,將會每七天開出一張台幣10萬元的罰款,如果遇時不繳交將會交給司法機關強制執行!
在下冒昧,請 貴公司伸出援手,救救在下的Nokia E60手機,免得遭到扣押或銷毀的命運!感激不盡,多謝各位的熱情幫助!
I have some questions to ask you....
I ordered your product "Nokia E60" mobile phone on eBay on 6/12.
The shop which I ordered this mobile phone was in USA,
and when they sent this mobile phone to me,Taiwan customs held my mobile phone back!!!

Because the mobile phones are contorlled products in Taiwan(Taiwan’s stupid law),
if I want to get my mobile phone back,I have to apply for a import license(to fee the customs,poor......)

But,the customs told me,if I want to "use" my mobile phone in Taiwan,
I have to apply an extra telecommunication certified license(to proof I imported my phone not illegally).
Accroding to Taiwan telecommunication’s laws,I have to apply this certified license(to use my mobile phone legally),
or my mobile phone will be sent back to USA!Because they consider my mobile phone was illegel!
Oh my oodness~~~~

When I ask my friend help me to apply for this license(in the Telecommunication Bureau),
the public servants told me,the model number was not the same as the original one!
The model number of my mobile phone(on the back of my phone) was NOKIA E60-1,
it’s not the same as Nokia E60(the model number I registered in custom)!
In User’s guide book,it "also" shows Nokia E60-1,not "E60".............
Those stupid telecommunication servants can’t figure which one is the correct.

Please help me to explain,the model number Nokia E60-1 is the same as the product mobile number Nokia E60,
and "-1" is not important for my certified process(just the model serial no.).
Taiwan Telecommunication Bureau told me,I’m the first one who use Nokia E60 and apply for certified license,
please help me,show your explanation to the stupid Telecommunication Bureau,
or my mobile phone will be sent back to USA,and my money was wasted........

So,please give me somehthing like manufacture certificate papers,
that can help me prove to those servants that my mobile phone mobel Nokia E60-1 is the same as Nokia E60.
And,please also give me the data about RF output power in GSM900,GSM1800,GSM1900(this is the most important)
They need those data to examine the mobile phone,to decide they will give me the license or not.
If I can’t get this license,they will confiscate my mobile phone.............
I am just only a consumer,I’m NOT a professional mobile phone scholar!

Please help me keeping my mobile phone,and post my experience on your website,
to show how did Taiwan Telecommunication Bureau treat me.....
NCC Taiwan official website: http://www.ncc.tw/
Their E-mail board: http://www.ncc.tw/comment-submit/comment-submit.htm

My Nokia E60

Sincerely yours,

Best reguards
還說以後這樣的話,將來這支Nokia E60在台灣發售的時候,就要重新再做一次電信認證


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發表時間:2024-09-20 07:53:29