補! LH-2010 Q&A

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Default sogi
發表時間:2004-02-14 02:08:00
LH-2010 Bluetooth F.A.Q

1. 何謂藍芽?
What is Bluetooth?
- Bluetooth is a short-range wireless technology that allows devices to exchange sound / video files and general data without cables.
2. 處在何種環境,藍芽傳輸會受影響?
In what kind of environment would influence Bluetooth’s Voice/Data transfer?
- Under Wireless 802.11b environment, microwave proximity, Iron / Metal Infra structures will have some influence on Bluetooth. But with LH-2010’s unique design under the 2.4G spectrum, any of these environment will have no adverse effect whatsoever. However, please keep the appropriate distance to continue high quality communication between Headset and Cell Phone.

3. 藍芽耳機的無線距離和手機有直接關係嗎?
Does the wireless range of a Bluetooth Headset and the Cell Phone have any direct relation?
- Yes, the LH-2010 have a wireless range of 15M in a normal environment. Once the distance between the Cell Phone and Bluetooth Headset less than 15M, the actual operating range between the two is less than 15M which is also the same as the Cell Phone’s Bluetooth wireless range.

4. 在吵雜環境中是否會影響通話品質?
Would a noisy environment have any adverse effect on Talk quality?
- Most Bluetooth Headsets out in the market today have poor sound quality resulting in very low sound quality when in a noisy environment. The LH-2010 uses a High Speed processor that enables the speaker to have maximum sound quality allowing clear and crisp sounds even in noisy environments.

5. 為什麼我的行動電話搜尋不到藍芽耳機?
Why my Cell Phone does not seem to detect or recognize the LH-2010?
- Please make sure that you have pressed the Power Button until the LED turns Blue (NOT blinking), this should start recognition.

6. 為什麼我的藍芽耳機沒辦法直接接聽行動電話?
Why LH-2010 cannot directly answer my Cell Phone?
- Please make sure the Cell Phone has the appropriate feature in regards.

7. 為什麼我使用藍芽耳機後,我的行動電話待機時間好像變短了?
Why does it seem that after using the LH-2010, my Cell Phone’s Stand By time is shortened?
- It is normal for the Stand By time to be shortened because to start up the LH-2010 will require some power from the Cell Phone’s battery.

8. 外出時我的藍芽耳機沒電了,是不是有辦法在車上充電?
答:是可以的,請向經銷商選購相關車充配件,另外如個人無電腦或Note Book等設備供藍芽耳機充電時亦可選購相關旅充配件。
As my LH-2010 runs out of power while on the road, is it possible to charge it in the car?
- Yes, please check with your local dealer about the Car Charging Kit. If you will not be able to charge via PC or Notebook, then other Travel Charging Kits can be readily available for purchase.



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