2/29 nokia開放在線認證

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29号;【 最新通告】____symbian signed 下周开;始推出在线;签;名


北京时;间; 2月21号; 22:00 symbiansigned.com 主页;上通告:

message for developers
- developer certificates will be enabled for users who have a publisher id only. (during gmt office hours)
- only if you used a publisher id to create a .csr file with the devcertcreate tool will you be able to use open signed offline to create a developer certificate.
- developer certificates are currently disabled for users without a publisher id. users who do not have a publisher id cannot request developer certificates or use open signed offline.
- open signed online and offline for users without a publisher id will not be available temporarily, an update will be provided during week beginning 25th feb.
- if you have recently obtained a publisher id and are unable to create a developer certificate using open signed offline please request support through the symbian signed forum on the symbian developer network.


- 开;发;证;书;颁;发;将;仅;为;拥;有 publisher id(出版者id)的用户;在上班时;间;(格林威治时;间;)开;放。
- 只有用devcertcreate工具用 publisher id创;建的 .csr 文件才能使用 open signed offline 功能制作开;发;证;书;。
- 目前关;闭;不用 publisher id 的开;发;证;书;发;放。没;有 publisher id 的用户;不能申请;开;发;证;书;或使用 open signed offline 功能。
- 无; publisher id 的用户;将;暂;时;不允许;使用 open signed,2月25号;开;始的一周内;将;有一次更新。
- 如果你最近获;得了一个; publisher id 但不能使用 open signed 制作开;发;证;书;,请;通过;位于 symbian developer network 上的 symbian signed 论;坛;寻;求支持。


2月29号;打出的最新通知: 即将;推出 open signed online (在线;签;名)

open signed online beta availability
for developers without a publisher id, we will commence roll-out the beta version of open signed online at the beginning of next week.

as demand is currently higher than the pki signing capacity, you may experience some restrictions on availability. we are in the process of adding new pki signing hardware to the signing service to increase signing capacity (but this will take several weeks to configure)

as outlined below there is a maximum number of requests that we can service each hour which limits the number of users that can request at one time.

open signed online beta will be available next week with the following restrictions:

the open signed online process is fully described here
during initial stages of the open signed online beta, the service may only be available from 0900-1500 gmt (uk time) monday-friday.
until capacity is increased with additional servers, there is a maximum number of requests that can be serviced each hour, if there is excessive demand (which is expected), some users may find open signed online beta is not available.
as for any beta, there may be issues that impact the performance and/or functionality of the service. such problems may result in the service being taken off-line at short notice and/or for extended periods.
note: open signed online does not allow you to sign a sis that uses a uid from the "protected range", unless the email address you use for open signed online matches the email address of the account which owns/created the uid.
if you attempt to sign the same sis file in rapid succession, the service you receive will proportionally slow down. this is to provide fair access to all.
installation of the signed sis file will be restricted to a single imei (i.e. mobile phone) that you enter and valid for 36 months.
sis files that have been open signed will present a notification upon installation that the sis file is intended for development purposes only.
sis files can be signed for all platform security capabilities except commdd, multimediadd, networkcontrol, diskadmin, drm, allfiles, tcb.


在线;签;名 beta 版

对;于没;有 publisher id 的开;发;者, 我们;将;在下周开;始推出在线;签;名测;试;版.

在线;签;名使用说;明: here
于在线;签;名测;试;版的初期,可能只是每周1-周5 的09:00-15:00(英国;时;间;) 提供服务;.(北京时;间;: 周1-周5 17:00-23:00)
注意:在线;签;名不能使用"protected range"里的 uid来;签;名 sis, 除非你使用的email地址和你创;建的帐;户;uid的email地址匹配.
如果你企图;在短时;间;内;连;续;签;名同一个; sis文件,你得到的服务;将;被减;慢,这;是为;了让;大家都能公平地使用.
签;名了的sis 文件将;只能在输;入的imei(序列号;)那一台机器上安装;,有效期3年.
签;名了的sis 文件在安装;时;将;收到 该;程序只为;开;发;目的 的通知
签;名了的sis 文件能使用除了commdd, multimediadd, networkcontrol, diskadmin, drm, allfiles, tcb 以外的所有权;限. (其实;就是13个;权;限,同以前的普通开;发;证;书;___译;者注)

publisher id是要购;买;的。也就说;,目前只为;收费;用户;开;放,普通开;发;证;书;目前暂;停发;放。

最新推出了 open signed online (在线;签;名), 将;于下周开;始测;试;.


附:symbian signed 的签;名机制:

open singed (开;放式签;名) 下又分两;种情况;:

1、open singed offline 离线;签;名,这;个;就是我们;以往用的办;法,去 symbiansigned 网站申请;证;书;,然后使用得到的证;书;在本地签;名。
2、open singed online 在线;签;名,意思是把你需要签;名的程序提交上 symbiansigned 网站,同时;提交你的imei(序列号;),签;好以后下载;下来;用就是。

open singed 两;种方法签;好的程序都受imei限制,只能在指定imei的设;备;上用。
open singed offline 需要symbiansigne 用户;帐;号;,open singed online 不需要帐;号;

express signed (快速签;名)
将;待发;布的应;用程序 (sis文件) 先使用自己的 publisher id 制作的证;书;离线;签;名,然后提交这;个;应;用程序到 symbiansigned 网站由 symbian 使用 b型根证;书;再签;名。
这;样;签;好的程序没;有 imei 限制,谁;都能用。这;种方式 symbian 不负;责;测;试;,但可能随;机抽检;。程序没;有资;格使用 symbian os 标;志。提交签;名的程序不收费;。

certified signed (鉴;定签;名)
将;待鉴;定的应;用程序先使用自己的 publisher id 制作的证;书;离线;签;名,同时;包括开;发;该;程序时;的pkg文件、用户;手册;等一起提交 symbiansigned 的测;试;室,由他们;测;试;,通过;后使用symbian b型根证;书;签;名。
这;样;签;好的程序没;有 imei限制,可以使用 symbian os 的标;志。每个;被提交鉴;定的程序收费; 20美元。

因此 暂;时;取消证;书;区;的发;帖权;限, 一旦symbiansigned网站恢复正常,可以正常制作证;书;了,将;重新开;放发;贴;,请;大家谅;解

vincent 於 2015-05-25 08:36:30 修改文章內容

發表時間:2024-09-20 11:53:30