LH-2010 Q&A (續)

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Default sogi
發表時間:2004-02-14 02:09:00
LH-2010 Bluetooth F.A.Q

10. 如果我同時有2支藍芽手機,可以同時使用這支藍芽耳機嗎?
Can I use the LH-2010 with 2 Bluetooth-equipped Cell phones at the same time?
- Yes.

11. 車子在高速行駛中,通話品質是否順暢?
Would the sound quality be smooth enough even in a fast moving vehicle?
- Yes, as long as the windows are rolled up to avoid the sound of wind competing.

12. 是否可配合聲控功能手機使用?適用機型有那幾款?
答: NOKIA、易利信均可。很多他牌藍芽耳機都無法使用聲控功能。
Could the LH-2010 work with Voice Command-enabled Cell Phones? Which models?
- Yes, but only applicable with current Nokia and Ericsson models equipped with Voice Command. Other competing Bluetooth headsets are not compatible at all.

13. 當藍芽耳機和手機配對完成後,耳機關機再重新開機時,需再重新操作配對乙次嗎?
Once the LH-2010 headset and Bluetooth-equipped Cell Phone is matched and recognized, is it necessary to repeat that process after turning the headset off and on again?
- No, but once the battery or sim card in the headset is removed may it will be necessary to redo that process.{according to character of the mobilephone}

14. 每一款藍芽手機均可適用嗎?
【ERICSSON T39/T68i/P800/T610】
【NOKIA 6310/6310i/8910/8910i/3650/6650/6600】
【MOTO A835/V600】
【PHILIPS 820/826】
Which Cell Phones would the LH-2010 Headset be compatible with?
- LH-2010 Headset is compatible with the following Bluetooth-equipped Cell Phones:
【ERICSSON T39/T68i/P800/T610】
【NOKIA 6310/6310i/8910/8910i/3650/6650/6600】
【MOTO A835/V600】
【PHILIPS 820/826】

15. 我的藍芽耳機待機時間?通話時間?充電時間?
What would be the Standby Time, Talk Time and Charging Time?
- Standby Time of approximately 110 hours, Talk Time of approximately 3 hours and Charging Time from1 to 1.5 hours.

16. 我的藍芽耳機為何比他牌的藍芽耳機稍大?
答:a. 在機構與人體功學的考量再配合外觀造型。
b. 有些特別小的藍芽耳機採用ROM chip,它在相容性上無法完全整合,在新的手機推出後,它的相容性無法快速配合市場需求修正。
c. 但本公司藍芽耳機因使用高速晶片、USB充電功能,內部線路複雜,為求最佳品質通話標準,故造型稍大。
Why the LH-2010 seems a little bit larger than other competing models?
- a) Structural design in regards to proper ergonomics and aesthetic value.
- b) The ROM Chip used in other competing headsets have poor integral compatibility, meaning once new Cell Phones come out, these other headsets will not be able to easily adapt to any new changes in regards.
- c) LH-2010 uses a High Speed Chipset with USB function coupled with a complex circuit design resulting in the best quality for communication standard. Thus, with these merits come the size.

17. 為什麼接聽時有時無法一次接聽成功,有時必須按兩次?
Why is it when using the LH-2010 that it sometimes requires to press more than once to connect?
- The LH-2010 has only one computer controlled Multi Function button. This may cause some confusion and errors in operation from the beginning resulting in inability to connect or other problems. Please try to follow all operating instructions. But once the Blue LED starts BLINKING, please reset the headset by restarting it again
18. 我的藍芽耳機在連結行動電話使用一段時間後,好像有點工作不正常,怎麼會這樣?
After operating the LH-2010 for an amount of time, it suddenly doesn’t seem to operate normally?
- Please reset by restarting the LH-2010 and that solve the problem immediately.



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